Home > $50.36 Found! + $120 more

$50.36 Found! + $120 more

September 17th, 2012 at 02:04 am

I just cleaned out my purse and had no idea I had so much money hiding in there! I had three gift cards I had forgotten about, one I was just given and tons of change. I can't believe I had forgotten about that Gap gift card!

Target gift card - $10
Gap gift card - $25
Joann's Fabric gift card - 51 cents
Starbucks gift card - $5
loose change - $9.85

I added the loose change to a glass jar we started to save money for finishing our basement. The rest will probably be saved to offset Christmas shopping.

I decided to check the few other gift cards I knew I still had and found...

Toys R Us - $10
Office Max - $10
Ruth's Chris Steakhouse - $100

I kind of hoard gift cards until they can be used when I'll really appreciate it instead of just speading it willy-nilly. Yeah! I love finding money. Smile

2 Responses to “$50.36 Found! + $120 more”

  1. creditcardfree Says:

    Great find!

  2. alianora Says:

    Wow! I'm jealous! What an awesome find! I have been saving a Michael's gift card with under $5 on it, and I thought that wasn't bad. Smile

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