I am just watching Suze Orman's April 14th show online and someone who is 38 called in during the "Can I Afford It?" segment with $41k in retirement. She was denied, because Suze said she is "way way way short" for someone her age. My husband is 38 and we only have $33k now (after having to take the rest out during our unemployment/layoff in 2010). I knew we were short and really need to bulk it up, but it's humbling to hear it put that way. I want to write it here so I'll see it again, be reminded and perhaps be refocused in the future if need be.
"Way way way short"
April 27th, 2012 at 07:51 pm
April 27th, 2012 at 09:09 pm 1335557350
April 28th, 2012 at 11:13 am 1335607986
April 28th, 2012 at 01:07 pm 1335614845
June 26th, 2012 at 07:28 am 1340692105
I really enjoyed your blog posts. It was certainly entertaining and very educational.
I would like to see whether you'd be open for guest contributions. I am looking to write something related to your site and thought that the topics I had in mind may go well with your blog.
I was thinking about the following subjects:
1. 4 Steps for Saving Your Hard-Earned Money
2. 5 Tips to Cut Your Grocery Bill in Half
What do you think about these? If you're interested to receive a custom article which is also absolutely free, I am happy to get something written up and sent over to you - or if you have another topic you'd like to see covered, I am more than happy to write on that.
Thanks and I look forward to your response.
Guest Post U
The University of Great Content
June 30th, 2012 at 01:54 pm 1341060878
I just wanted to check in and see what you thought of my guest post idea?
Did you like any of the topics I presented? Alternatively, if you have another topic you'd like to see covered, I am more than happy to write on that.
Thanks and I look forward to your reply.