Home > $42.44 in Rebates and Mandatory Unpaid Furlough

$42.44 in Rebates and Mandatory Unpaid Furlough

August 7th, 2009 at 05:49 pm

Well, I just got two rebate checks totaling $42.44 in the mail, which should hopefully help see us through this pay period (one more week) without overdrafting. Fingers crossed.

Also, my husband's company just announced a mandatory one week furlough. We get to choose when between Sept-Dec. I'm looking at it as a positive, a challenge. If we can actually stick to our budget, we'll be fine. Also, I know that others are in a much more serious situation, we're blessed to have a job, even if it is requiring a furlough.

Anyway, that's the update for now...

1 Responses to “$42.44 in Rebates and Mandatory Unpaid Furlough”

  1. creditcardfree Says:

    I would think the later in the year he takes his unpaid furlough, the better chance you can save up some money each week to cover the week he is off.

    Good luck!

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